IDIBAPS welcomes two student winners of the ‘Extraordinary Baccalaureate Award’
From 3 to 7 July, Arnau Guerrero and Meritxell Solana, two students who won the Extraordinary Baccalaureate Award for the 2021-2022 academic year, were able to learn about IDIBAPS’ activities first-hand. The Associació Catalana d’Entitats de Recerca (ACER) promotes a programme so that students who have received the Extraordinary Baccalaureate Award can do a stay at a research … Read more
Researcher Salvador Macip joins the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute
Researcher Salvador Macip, an expert in the study of cancer and senescence, joins the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute to lead the “Mechanisms of Cancer and Ageing” group. Dr. Macip will collaborate with specialists in epigenetics and senescence at the Josep Carreras Institute and will keep his current affiliations as professor, researcher and Director of … Read more
CRG – Twenty years of biomedical research excellence in Barcelona
Luis Serrano, Director of the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), has celebrated the twenty-year anniversary of the research centre as a modern success story made possible by political ambition and goodwill. The comments were made today at a special symposium organised at the Parc de Recerca Biomedica de Barcelona (PRBB) to mark the CRG’s twentieth … Read more
Dr. Joan Comella, new director of the Institut de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu
The Governing Council of the Institute de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu (IRSJD) has appointed Dr. Joan Comella as director of the institute. Comella, director of Innovation, Research and Knowledge Management at the SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital, replaces Dr. Francesc Palau, the first director of the IRSJD. Dr Joan Comella holds a degree in Medicine and Surgery and … Read more
Nova Llei de la ciència de Catalunya
El Parlament de Catalunya ha aprovat la nova Llei de la ciència de Catalunya. Nascuda amb un ampli consens parlamentari i entre el sistema de coneixement del país, a la llei vol garantir una ciència al servei de la societat que posi èmfasi en la innovació, la sostenibilitat, la cohesió social i l’equilibri territorial. Concep … Read more
Start of the future Quantum Internet research program in Catalonia with Next Generation funds
El programa de recerca coordinat per l’ICFO, i The research program coordinated by ICFO, with participation of IFAE, ICN2, UB, UPC and UAB, aims to develop technologies for the future Quantum Internet. A new research program that aims to carry out research on quantum technologies, with the ultimate goal of being applied in the future … Read more
New members at ACER’s board
Recentment s’han produït canvis en les direccions dels centres de recerca associats a l’ACER, en particular de dos centres que formaven part de la junta directiva de l’Associació. Així han deixat les direccions dels centres el Dr. Joan Comella i el Dr. Ramon Miquel. Aquests canvis en les direccions d’aquests dos centres han provocat canvis … Read more
Reunió de la junta directiva de l’ACER amb l’H. Conseller Joaquim Nadal
Aquest passat 27 d’octubre la junta directiva de l’ACER es va reunir amb l’H. Conseller de Recerca i Universitats, Sr. Joaquim Nadal. En la reunió es va tractar de qüestions com la Llei de la Ciència catalana i espanyola, el finançament dels centres de recerca i els pressupostos, així com d’altres temàtiques al voltant del … Read more
Prof. Eugenio Coccia named new Director of IFAE
Prof. Coccia will succeed Prof. Ramon Miquel as IFAE Director on November 15, 2022. IFAE’s Governing Board has appointed Prof. Eugenio Coccia as the new director of the Institut de Física d’Altes Energies (IFAE), effective on November 15, 2022. Eugenio Coccia will be the fourth director of IFAE, succeeding ICREA research professor Ramon Miquel, who … Read more